Day 6: Plans on Checking theft

The biggest story today was about what Cake Palace can do to check different possible theft that take palace at the production site. So far, what prevents theft in Cake Palace is integrity of some workers. As for the management system, there is no strict laws, or accurate production line records, that can be used to catch a thieve.

Intrigued by a rumor that one of the workers has been transporting goods from the production site illegally, I learnt that creating a security systems is now an argent demand. One of the biggest plans to counter this problem has been wiring the whole shop with CCTV.

Furthermore, administrators (obviously, my parents) should be able to view the images and videos, from home.

On the other hand, I felt that creating a stronger family bond among us could increase ownership and team-support of the business. However, my mother, finally, concluded that  we still need the cameras.

As for the next year plans to curb theft, we need computers at every counter, and receipts for purchase shall be issued in both the wholesale and the retail shop.

cctv _1These could be the type of cameras that we need around the production site.

2 thoughts on “Day 6: Plans on Checking theft

  1. Hello, Dr Kajsa here! Great to see the blog is up and running. I like how you discuss issues one by one – for this one though – can you not do both? Get cameras AND build team. Eg learn about what people like to do outside work over breakfast one morning (that the company pays for), include workers in certain leadership discussions for them to understand and empathize with constraints? Best of luck!


    1. Great to hear you suggestion! True. Not all of workers have intentions to steal, but none of them is given authority to help create security. (I am just worried that authority goes with increment in Salary. )

      Apart from security, decentralized leadership will improve communication and productivity.

      We’ll look more into it.


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